


Mental Health Is Real Wealth was established in 2022 as a 501(C)3 nonprofit organization based in Los Angeles, California. The founder of the organization initially started the foundation to honor his best friend who unfortunately committed suicide in 2015. This tragedy left him very confused and with many unanswered questions lingering in his mind. So as future preventative measures for other loved ones, he founded the organization with hopes to shed light on a topic that’s typically not discussed. Our main objective is to raise more awareness in regards to Mental Health as well as bridge the gaps for stigmas revolving around the topic itself. The organization promotes mental health awareness within a non traditional format, utilizing the influence and use of relatable outlets filtering through popular culture. We are a community based, purpose driven organization dedicated to nourishing the minds, bodies, and souls of the individuals we serve. To help us even more spread our message, we have created products with our bold and stand-out logo that is very eye catching to the everyday person. Although the organization represents everyone, we have put a heightened emphasis on men of color, ages 18-40. As we believe that this specific demographic has the most challenges when it comes to true and authentic expression of self.

It is very difficult for men in general to be open to discussing their mental state but men of color we believe have the toughest time conveying their inner thoughts and feelings. At the tail end of 2023, the founder of the organization had an anomalous idea to create a Wellness Group and Safe Space for this specified type of man. The founder’s ultimate goal has always been to make mental health “cool” to talk about, especially for members of certain communities that lack knowledge around the subject. The first Wellness group and Safe Space was held on December 20th 2023 and has been growing upwards ever since. It was initially only held once a month but the demand for attendance has sky rocketed so much that our organization had to start making these meetings twice a month. There are literally men from all walks of life that gather in these spaces with their guards completely down and ready to be very vulnerable. We at Mental Health Is Real Wealth believe we are creating something that’s essentially never been done before, especially in a major metropolis city like none other than Los Angeles. To have this type of community-based space for men is not common.

We believe we are setting the tone and breaking generational curses simultaneously.  Getting adult men who have experienced various types of life long traumas to open up and be transparent about their feelings is essentially unheard of, especially in a time when pride and ego are at an all-time high. Since the beginning of time men naturally have been accustomed to generally withdrawing from discussing feelings and emotion, but our Wellness Group and Safe Space is definitely changing that narrative. We are living proof witnessing these amazing changes taking place in front of our own very eyes inside of these spaces. We have at least 20+ members that gather together each group meeting and numbers continue to rise with every space that’s held. We try to keep each group compact for the sake of time and allowing each individual that arrives to be able to speak what’s on their mind. The men who show up to our meetings are truly committing themselves to be there and participate any activities and conversations that take place. They have put trust in the system that was created for the Safe Space. We are essentially helping these men heal on so many different levels and we have the true testimonies to prove it! To take our journey to help these men a step further, we even created a referral system that allows our members to be linked to other treatment resources such as one of one therapy with licensed clinical therapists that are relatable and more competent to assist our specific demographic of members. We have also created a Life Coaching service within our organization with certified life coaches that can act as mentors to our members seeking further assistance outside of just our Safe Space that we curated.

Our organization is single handedly breaking generational curses and stigmas that for centuries has held certain individuals back from expressing themselves in a healthy form. We believe that we have the power and structure to help lower the suicide rate. Our organization is dedicated to organizing as well as hosting family friendly community events where everyone is welcomed. These events will help us on our path to broadcast the seriousness of mental health, while also having some wholesome fun as this subject is quite heavy. As we continue to grow and expand across the world, our main goal is to bring as much awareness as we possibly can to the importance of Mental Health to every single person on the planet. We are open to any and all positive support that we can possibly obtain to achieve our ultimate goals with this mission based nonprofit organization.